Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Full Life = Lot's of Traveling

Welcome to my new blog which I hope to fill with all of my travel stories - big and small, for fun or for work, with the new hubby or sometimes without him, domestic or international, in celebration or sometimes for sad get the picture, all things travel related. Now, just to classify even further, a trip (in my opinion) is an activity outside the normal day-to-day travels. So, I won't be covering the 15 minute walk to the metro each morning, followed by the 25 minute ride on the train, the 10 minute walk to the office, the 4 escalators that I take to get into and out of the metro station, the 14 floors I pass on the elevator on the way to my office, followed by the cubicle farm that I navigate, before I find my cozy little space for the day - which is a typical day's worth of travel. Now, beyond the normal day to day traveling, I will also not include the trips around the city - they are kind of expected and really, not all that unique. Traveling outside the city 2+ hours is what will deem my trip worthy of the travel blog, does that sound fair?
Happy travels everyone!

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